WeeJE is the acronym of wee Java
Enhancements. This project covers small Java Enhancements, which
are not yet available to the open source community or "hidden"
sub-parts of other projects. For the moment this covers:
A console component for Swing,
which can be used to redirect stdin, and stdout and stderr. Most
implementations available I found used to text components, one
for stdin and a second for stdout/stderr. However, the
JConsolePane of the weeje project is an heir of JTextPane and
provides only a single component for redirection. Thus it looks
like a "real" console.
A Buttons class, which provides
factory methods for often used buttons like "Okay",
"Done" or "Cancel". The implementations
returned by the factory methods use a ResourceBundle for
internationalization support. So the programmer does not have to
care about this point.
A JComponentDialog, which offers
factory methods to generate JDialog instances, which have
default buttons (like "Done" or "Okay" &
"Cancel") and show another Swing/AWT component. Also
it is quite similar to JOptionPane, it is used internally.
A JFontChooser component, which
offers a font selection dialog and is usable like the
JFileChooser component in the javax.swing package.
A Debug class, which offers -
like java.lang.System - an out PrintStream instance, which can
be used to do debug outputs. Additionally the class allows to
set different debugging levels and an out(int level) method,
which returns either the stdout or a special null PrintStream.
This is nothing special und not as powerful as many logging
subsystems available, but for quick debugging output it seems
quite sufficiant.
Future development planned:
Test and enhancement of the
JConsolePane class.
More translations for the buttons
provided by the Buttons class.
A small preprocessor for the
Debug class, which searches for "Debug.out" and
replaces it by "//Debug.out" to "deactivate"
the Debug output completely.
- Add some more small stuff, which is
useful for many Java projects.